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Midwifing the Veils Priestess College Womb Mystery School Yoniversal Grant Request:

Dearest Family of the Goddess,

Thank you for this opportunity to commune with you and your generosity to grant those in need with extra funds for phenomenal projects.

We call forth your attention to midwifing the gestation of a Priestess College, that shall focus on Midwifing the Veils, an immersive training for Women to deepen into their Primal Priestessing skills and to bring the sacred to life's major thresholds. This is an Initiation into what it truly means to be in Service as a Guardian of the Gateways.

The Priestess embodies the energies of grace, wisdom, impeccability, courage, stamina, beauty, compassion, positivity, strength, health, creativity, vitality, and trustworthiness. We hold an instinctual secret knowledge that has the willingness to illuminate what otherwise may not be seen. We are here to be a living example of what is possible, we step into and embody who we are meant to be. We show others the way by our authentic nature. We moonifest our dreams.We enhance the gift of intuition. We inspire. We serve. We trust. We connect deeply with the Goddess thru seeing and tending to Her in the landscape. We activate global life-force with our empowered dancing, soul filled singing, and personal & communal ceremonies that support celebration joined prayer, emotional healing, and a recognition of the magick that exists.

At our Priestess College, we plan to work with women who are born to thrive in Threshold environments. Who are natural Gateway Keepers, who are yearning to weave a tapestry of ceremony into all rites of passage, especially the 9 most common major shifts: Childbirth, First Blood~Puberty, Divine Union~Sex, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce, Sovereignty, Death, and Rebirth.

Learning to attend these doorways into next life chapters includes activating Earth Wisdom by the very nature of their design. They are emotional seasonal shifts that follow the Wheel of many ancient traditions. As the Wheel turns, as does the evolution of each person. Each archetypal archway builds strength and direct experience that often takes you to your knees, the vulnerable position to kiss the soil, reach to the sky, cry rivers of joy and/or pain, burn with desire to reinvent your self, and meet your soul.

We plan to begin Priestess College with a 9 day intro program at the time of Samhain 2019 (with a full 9 month program beginning at Imbolc 2020) at the home of our Goddess Temple in Ashland, Oregon, which sits on over 30 acres, and has been entirely donated. All acts of love and physical labor have been of Seva (selfless service) for the past 9 years. The Goddess Temple Sanctuary includes a sacred geography inspired village of structures for visitors to learn, grow, share, and rest. A Geodesic Dome houses the main altar, the Moon Lodge tipi collects our Blood, the Red Tent holds our Midwifing the Veils gatherings, the Apiary stores our ceremonial honey, the Faery Ring is a standing stone circle that holds elemental altars and each stone marks the Celtic cross quarter holy day. The Tree of Life Garden grows food, the Crescent Moon Gardens grow herbs and flowers, and the Seasonal Wheel Garden grows wild. Blackberries push their way into the path to our ceremonial immersion pool~ the Mikvah, where rebirthing rituals are engaged in weekly. 7 natural mineral living waters from the hillside feed into this pool, then over spill into the creek, carrying all prayers that eventually reach the Pacific Ocean.

“The mysteries of water were encoded and kept in the legacy of the ladies of the lake ~ such were priestesses of Avalon, shamanesses of the Druidic tradition, mermaids of Africa, and the priestesses of Isis~ and went on to become the foundation of Womb Mystery Schools, where priestesses practiced their mysterious feminine arts, with miraculous renewal rituals of ‘living waters.’ These living waters were both biological-physical and multidimensional and etheric……Preparing lunar water infused with prayers, sound vibration, and midnight silver rays was known as ‘drinking of the moon’- sipping from the chalice of immortality, from the moon who moved in cycles and resurrected from the dark in cosmic rites of death and rebirth. Moonlight on the water was considered a healing balm to restore health and to infuse the soul with the shimmering light of the feminine dimension.”

~excerpt from: Womb Awakening by Azra and Seren Bertrand

There will be 9 to 13 practicing Priestesses who will guide the lectures and the practicum for the Priestess College, that will provide opportunities for graduates to bring Priestessing out into the world, their personal communities, as well as into the Prisons, specifically for inmates experiencing their Moontime (Menstruation), pregnant and birthing mothers, and men going thru the astrological time of their Saturn Return.

This is a large project, and grants of financial generosity would be ideal to support necessities for farm to table meals for students, crafting needs for ceremonies, and travel costs and natural feminine products to donate to Women in need.

The first output of this Moonifestation will be the 9 day intro and a 9 Moon graduating class of skilled Priestesses ready to attend and Midwife the Veils of life’s major thresholds and carry their gained knowledge inside the walls of the incarcerated (in physical prison, as well as those imprisoned by their own thoughts of lack and unworthiness).

Our Moonifestation shall be successful by witnessing the evolving culture of Womb Priestesses and Gaia Guardians that are being fully activated by the extreme passion we have in acknowledging the sacredness and magick of life on this holy planet. We see the amount of Earth Sentients being touched by this project to be one acorn that grows entire global forests.

The curriculum guidelines shall be completed and hurdles of website design and challenges of marketing shall be faced. We are brave and we believe how valuable this work is. We remain in trust that all shall unfold in abundance, and our community and the world at large shall benefit deeply.

This project fulfills the mission of the great mother Goddess that lives and reigns within all. She as birther, provider, protector, destroyer and rebirther. The Priestess College, a living Womb Mystery School, celebrates the Seasonal Wheel, and thru this elemental education, it connects the individual to Gaia, connecting community to Gaia while following these patterns of nature, the inspired human’s actions enhance the vitality of our living and pulsing Earth Mother.

Contributions will be joyfully received in person April 15 thru November 3 of any year you choose to support. If you prefer to donate on line, please visit and click donate and add a note describing the direction you would like your gift to follow.

In devotion and sublime gratitude,

Priestess Graell and Priestess Laura

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