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The Goddess Temple is supported by a devoted community of women and men-

priestesses, guardians, stewards, healers, gardeners..........

men and women of many talents, as well as a devoted and disciplined spiritual practice.


 These people hold ceremony and ritual, tend the gardens, steward the ritual immersion pool, craft the newsletters, build community, and so much more.  The temple has been created and sustained by so many generous (and often anonymous) hearts and hands - we couldn't possibly list them all here, yet, we are eternally grateful.




Founder, Graell Corsini called forth 19 practicing Priestesses to birth the temple into the physical

Spring 2010.

We bow to the 19 who's alchemy was beyond necessary to spark it's life. 

These 19 beautiful Women held an essence in each of them that fueled the silver wand

of Brigit and the graceful power of Ganesha to ignite Graell and Tony Corsini's Vision to it's fullest, and

we are forever grateful. 

Presently Graell directs temple volunteers to weave the threads it takes to sustain the Goddess Temple.



Graell and Laura co-facilitate annual

International Red Tent Priestess Activations and Midwifing the Veils Priestess Trainings

*personal immersion trainings available upon request* 

Graell catalyzed the creation of the temple when she moved to Ashland from Mount Shasta, where she held a thriving Goddess Temple for nine years, the Flying Lotus Community Activation Center and AvaSha Goddess Temple. She is an international workshop leader, Midwife of the Veils, ceremonialist, and creator of Devotional Yoga, Adult Healing Ballet, Midwifing the Veils, and Dance of the Magda.

Graell holds groups on the holy Isle of Avalon, Glastonbury, England, has global trainings, and supports others in raising Goddess Temples.

Her Priestess and Knights of the Goddess Guidebooks assist hundreds on the Path of Sacred Living.


Laura Carmody serves as an elemental Priestess, feminine empowerment educator, & performance artist.  She is passionate about helping people find bliss, beauty, & magick through their menstrual cycles & innate body wisdom. She is the founder of Priestessing the Paradigm Shift, where she facilitates individual Priestess training sessions, transformative group sister circles, & retreats.





Weekly Support: 

Iverine, Inanna Rose, Jorndan, Candace, Anna, Madhurai, Solara, and Lavendar


Ongoing Going Support:

Deborah Wilder: Graell's Food Support, Elder Counsel Member

Rosie Amantia: Mother of Graell, Elder Counsel Member

Kim Keller: Intimacy & Sensuality Coach, Temple Melissa, Elder Counsel Member    

Venita Varga: Folk Dancer, Temple, Melissae, Elder Counsel Member

Nancy Kilham: Artist, Elder Counsel Member

Samar Dawisha:  Artist, Sacred Dancer, Elder Counsel Member

Sylverleaf: Hekate Altar Holder, Dancer, Elder Counsel Member

Rowan Vervais: Mother of the 2019 Beltane Queen, Elder Counsel Member

Holly Hubbard: Altar Flower Deliverer, Elder Counsel Member

Ruth Rhiannon: Temple Decorator, Adornments Artist, Dancer, Events Coordinator

Deleon, Kayla Rose, Elenor Mae: Daughters of Graell & Ruth, Temple Assistants to their MOM

Sophia Blanton: Dancer, Decorator, Ceremonialist

Sati Lee: Land Faery, Tea and Tarot Wytch

Allona Fiero: Fire Priestess, Guardian

Destiny Love:  Musician, Cacao Priestess, Epic Mother of Anjali

Janani Ayni: Songstress, Elemental Wheel Gardener, Decorator

Mahdurai Sum Hara: Tea Temple Tender, Elemental Wheel Gardener

Luna: Apprentice to Lady Graell



Gerry Lehrburger: WellSprings Owner, OAK Temple Director

Xuba Evaristo:  OAK Temple Co-Director

Tony Corsini:  Goddess Temple and OAK Temple Co-Founder, Stone Mason, Artist

Elvré Valendar: Tree Gardener, Ceremonial Fire Tender, Husband of Lady Graell

Andrew Hanuman: Musician, Cacao Priest

Peter Dejong:  Carpenter

Ranault Hawkins:  Mythic Beetender, Mikvah Priest, Temple Melissa


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